Yeah, I know it's been a while but I've been busy. First of all I now have a job, it's a 40 min. commute but it pays what my last job did so I can't complain too much. It's a place called Smile Reminder and basically my job is to integrate our appointment reminder software with doctors offices that want the service. I've learned more about databases and using my reverse engineering skills to get into older databases. The reverse engineering is the only challenging part of the job.
Other than that I have gotten the roll of Teddy in "Arsenic and Old Lace" at the Empress Theatre. Practices started last week and the cast chosen is pretty good. Performances start Sept. 11 and go til October 2nd so I don't have too much longer to have my lines down. Lucky for me there aren't too many lines but it sure is a fun roll! Chaaaaaarge!!!!
It's Been A While
14 years ago