So my brother sent me an email about change. Basically it was a petition for Obama to change things and it specifies 4 goals:
* Move to 100% clean electricity;
* Cut our dependence on oil in half;
* Create 5 million new clean energy jobs;
* Cut global warming pollution by at least 80%.
The problem is that it doesn't give any way to accomplish these goals. Also, can you see the holes and contradictions? What jobs can be created? What about the jobs lost to oil? What electricity is 100% clean? How can you place a metric on global warming when it isn't even understood? Ideas without a plan just ideas. If you go to you will be able to see that Obamas' plans are mostly in line with this anyhow.
After going back and forth with with my brother on this it basically comes down to awareness. Aware of how we pollute this planet. Aware of how dependent we are on foreign oil. Aware that we need to develop new alternatives for producing power. Aware of our own wasteful habits and contribution to the problem.
Getting ideas out there will hopefully inspire someone to find a solution. Find a way to produce cleaner electricity. Maybe a way recycle nuclear waste. Or how about a new engine that runs on clean energy. I like the idea of "Mr. Fusion" from back to the future ;)
So here I am spreading the word. Be aware. Without change things will only get worse.
It's Been A While
14 years ago
How about the new car engine idea that I came up with? Do you even remember it?
Anna Marie
I think it was mostly your idea Anna Marie. We ought to make a small prototype :)
Good thinking!!
Anna Marie
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